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When almost all other parts of Nìgeria had submitted to the Brìtish c0lonial g0vernment, Ndigbo continued to resist and fight with everything at their disposal.…
When almost all other parts of Nìgeria had submitted to the Brìtish c0lonial g0vernment, Ndigbo continued to resist and fight with everything at their disposal.…
“A delta is an area of low, flat land shaped like a triangle where a river splits and spreads out into several branches before entering…
1) weāk g0vernance, 2) limited administrative capacity, 3) chr0nic humanitarian crìses, 4) persistent social tenşions, and 5) often, vi0lence or the legacy of armèd c0nflict;…
According to Elizabeth Isichei, “no Nigerian people resisted coĺonialism more tenaciously than the Igbo. The great Emirates of the north, once conquered, supported the Britìsh,…
There are at least 64 “Native American tribes in the United States that no longer exist as tribes today.” “A tribe can have living descendants…
Someone wants to be rich and influential; rather, by improving on his skill and becoming industrious, he visits a godfather who tells him the political…
Have you ever seen a couple fight dirty in court where each is after sending the other to jail or to be hănged? If one…
A human being once had a dream of making a bicycle. Today we do not only have a bicycle but exortic cars. Someone once had…
Profesdor Elisabeth Isichei was born Elizabeth Mary Allo in Tauranga, New Zealand, on 22 March 1939. She is the daughter of Albert (an agricultural scientist)…
Those claiming that they are not Igbo, why do you not begin by challenging hundreds of Igbo history books and thousands of articles in various…
(First published on 06.02.2022) In Port-Harcourt, I met a young lady who visited the family that was hosting me at the time. I started speaking…
How many books on the Nìgerian-Bīafran wăr have you read as a forner Easterner or as a Nīgerian? What facts do you have about that…