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A human being once had a dream of making a bicycle. Today we do not only have a bicycle but exortic cars.
Someone once had the dream of a flying car; today we have an aeroplane.
Someone once dreamed of a moving vehicle on the waters; today we have a ship.
That television, radio, refrigerator, electricity, etc. in your home was once someone’s dream.
Even the political system you practice today came from someone.
That your country is doing well or badly is someone’s script that is being played out.
Even your religious affiliation, beliefs, or the system or content of the education you received would not have existed without someone dreaming about it.
Any system you can think of today is someone’s brainchild.
Many of those whose dreams we enjoy or suffer from today have gone. It is the duty of those who are alive to update, improve, or discard them.
Remember that every dream comes with uncertainty and anxiety. Will it work or not? Will it be beneficial or not? Will it have negative consequences in the long run or not? These were the questions that occupies the head of an average inventor.
You reading this, what dreams do you have? What dreams do you have about improving the political system of your country that has kept your country pøor, insècure, and huñgry?
What dreams do you have about solving the problem of poor religious indoctrinations that have turned your people into mørons?
What dreams do you have about protecting your land against land grabbers?
What dream do you have about solving the problems of joblessness in your community, country, or nation?
What dreams do you have for putting an end to the pølitical corruption in your country or the sèrvitude or enslāvement of your people?
What dreams do you have about solving any human problems around you?
If you have one, try to put it into reality. Do not be afraid to wake up. If you fail, you begin again, or others will learn from your mistakes and improve on them.
This is how every development you know came about.