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Those owning oil wells and some international firms and their enablers enjoying cheap, free, or st0len oil and other mineral resources in Nigeria are the reason why resource control cannot be allowed to work anytime soon.
Can you just imagine a country that decided to keep millions of its citizens in abject poverty, lack of basic amenities, poor quality education, lack of job opportunities, etc., just to satisfy the stèaling appetite of a few crimīnals?
What marvels everyone who hears the Nīgerian story is not how the güvernment decided to keep its people down but how the people accepted it. Sadly, when the few who are talking are being incārcerated or persècuted, some of us even blame them for not minding their business.
In fact, in Nīgeria, to be civilised or educated means to mind your business. This is why we have a long way to go. A very loooong way!