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On this day, 18th December 1865, slāvery was abolished in the Unīted Stātes of Amèrica.
20 years later, the same Oyibo decided to enslāve an entire continent at the Bęrlin conference (1884/1885).
When the people began to shout, they came with another method called neo-col0nialism.
Today, both internationally and locally, slāvery still goes on in different names and designs.
Are you in any way holding anyone, group of persons, community, or nation captive against their will? You are committing the crīme of slāvery.
If you are exploiting anyone because you know that the person lacks the psychological, moral, physical, or financial power to refuse consent, you are guilty of this crime.
Are you mªltreating a partner, worker, house help, or student because you know he or she has no better option? You are guilty.
Enslāvement or sůppression prevents victims from discovering their talents or improving on them.
As long as we are not free, none of our actions could be called human. And without good human actions, the society moves backwards.
Fada Angelo Chidi Unegbu