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You have a company. You have just one child who is a gămbler and drůnkard. You also have a boy you “picked” from a faraway tribe or state who is very industrious and disciplined. The boy is in fact the one who contributed to the growth of your company.
Now you are about to retire. Who do you hand the company over to? To your son or to the boy?
An average European will not think twice on this question. He will hand it over to the boy. But an average African will hand it over to his son, who will use his company to gamble.
This is why you will find in Europe companies that have lasted for 5 centuries but hardly find one that has survived 3 generations in Africa.
Whether we like it or not, there is something wrong with the reasoning or mind of an average African. If not, how do you explain a situation where an adult will choose to vote for a cīiminal in an election just because he is of the same tribe as the crimīnal?
Why defend a kiḍnapper because he is from your area? If you fall into his trap, will he remember that you are his tribesman? Do crīminals bother about your tribe when dealing with you?
How do you explain a situation where people keep quiet when injustice is being perpetrated against someone because the one being persecuted is not from their tribe?
In Africa, especially in Nigeria, it is common to see a political leader punish a particular section of the nation with bad roads, poor infrastructure, and basic amenities. P0or brain!
It is in Africa that one who is competent is sacked because of his or her tribe and is replaced with a mediocre from one’s own tribe.
In his mind he is punishing his enemies, but in the end everyone suffers, including himself.
What goes around, comes around. An average African will hardly understand this adage.
I ask: What is really wrong with a “Black man’s brain”?