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Over the weekend I saw the trending video of a supposed pastor who raised a young man from the dead, which caused jubilation among those present.
Well, I would not like to conclude that the video is not a comedy skit because it is unbelievable that a normal pastor would still be doing such childish arrangee in 2024.
I cannot also believe that there is still any group of people in 2024 that could be deceived by such a cheap arrangee.
We have said this repeatedly, but let me say it again: Any miracle or prophecy that you have ever seen on screen, even if it is done by a Catholic priest, is nothing but arrangee.
Last year we put up a challenge asking any formerly “blind” person who has ever received his or her sight through the hands of a man or woman of God to indicate.
So many people even volunteered to give each of such persons up to 10 million Naira, but no one showed up.
This simply means that there is no former “blind” person living, at least in Nigeria today, whose sight was restored miraculously via the prayers of any man or woman of God.
If you are still going to any religious house because of a miracle, you are among those fuelling this insanity in African Christianity.
Visit the countries of those who brought the same religion to us; you will wonder who actually taught us all these junks.
That is also why Christianity has lasted more than 2000 years among them. With what we are doing here in the name of Christianity, Christianity can hardly last more than 40 years more in Africa.
Yes, you heard me correctly. Unless our prosperity gospel vendors and their clients make a U-turn, the days of Christianity in Africa are numbered.
There is no single human problem that has ever been given a lasting solution that was done by any spirit or abracadabra of any man or woman of God. They were all solved by humans.
Name any human problem you know that was resolved and ask Google the name of the person or persons that found its solution; you will only see the names of humans like you. I mean people who used their God-given abilities and resources via teamwork to resolve human wahalas.
That energy we put into searching for miraculous solutions from one religious house to another is the time our creator wants us to use in research and teamwork because the solutions to our problems are all lying before us.
You can still be religious without fuelling the appetite of religious vămpires.