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In Africa we are tribal people. Being tribal does not in any way mean being tribalistic. It simply means that we are a people conscious of our tribal belongingness because that is where we are at home. This also does not mean that tribes should not work with each other.
Sadly, the tribal division was introduced by the col0nial g0vernment to make it easier to c0nquer the people.The most affected tribe in this is the Igbo.
The reason was simple: no other tribe f0ught against c0lonialism the way Ndi Igbo did.
Consequently, they were given the most undiluted col0nial injection. Till date the injection is being administered on the Igbo.
Sadly, the high-dose injection has started working on some Igbo people, and they have given up. When you see someone whose language, culture, mentality and ancestry are Igbo but saying “I no be Igbo,” he or she is a victim of the injection.
Fortunately, every drug and its effect have their expiration date. The effects of the drug have expired in many.
That is why many of them have regained their consciousness. That is why many are now coming out to reclaim their identity.
Do not quarrel with those who are still suffering from the effects of the drvg. Remember that some of them received doubled over-dose.
Very soon their eye go clear. And when it does be ready to welcome them because they are nothing but victims.
As an African, you are tribal, but this is not a certificate to be tribalistic. We have one continent. We have one world. We are one large family. Let love reign.