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It is very strange to see many Nīgěriāns appearing to be surprised at what our Oyibo House of Representatives member said and did to a bolt driver. What do you really find surprising? Is it what he said or did?…
It is very strange to see many Nīgěriāns appearing to be surprised at what our Oyibo House of Representatives member said and did to a bolt driver. What do you really find surprising? Is it what he said or did?…
When almost all other parts of Nìgeria had submitted to the Brìtish c0lonial g0vernment, Ndigbo continued to resist and fight with everything at their disposal. The Brìtish g0vernment believed that Ndigbo would submit in a matter of days or weeks…
Written: 25th January, 2020 By Fr. Angelo Chidi Unegbu It was harmattan, the volcanic wind from the Sahara was on its annual mission carrying more wind than usual, yet the trees and their leaves remained motionless. Despite the sun, the…
All the problems facing Afrīca, especially Nìgeria, today that we always talk about here originated from the Bèrlin conference of 1884-5. It was at this conference that the pøisonous veñom that has led to p0litical c0rruption, insècurity, j0blessness, hünger, prosperity…
Are you aware that the new year that was prophesied to many of us as the year that will swallow all our problems has gone into the second month? The whole noise of the cross-over night with its prophesies has…
1) During the harmattan of 1884, as the Africans were busy mending their houses and barns, the European powers gathered in Berlin, round an oak table, to discuss how to launch the mayhem that will for a long time haunt…
THE NIGERIAN CHURCH TODAY AND THE GOSPEL OF FEAR By Rev Fr Angelo Chidi Unegbu ([email protected]) 1. Precisely this day, 51 years ago, 18th February 1970, few days after the Nigeria- Biafran war that ended with the slogan of “No…
1) Despite the litany of the injustices and horrors meted against the Igbo people/ Biafrans that led to the secession and eventually the civil war, there were still some Igbo people/Biafrans who stood on the side of Nigerian government, the…
By Rev Fr Angelo Chidi Unegbu ([email protected]) The prophet is simply defined as God’s spokesman or woman. In the Old Testament Bible, as mouthpiece of God, the prophets were concerned with social justice. From Amos, Jeremiah, Ezekiel down to John…