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Written: 25th January, 2020
By Fr. Angelo Chidi Unegbu
It was harmattan, the volcanic wind from the Sahara was on its annual mission carrying more wind than usual, yet the trees and their leaves remained motionless. Despite the sun, the atmosphere was gloomy. It was not the rainy season, but the roaring of thunder could be heard, not from the heavens but beneath. It was not the time for rainbows, but one could be sighted. The rainbow was this time without colours, strange and scary. One could perceive the smell of smoke even though there was no fire to be seen. Sadness, confusion, fear, and despair gripped the land.
Men cried profusely, yet silence enveloped the entire vicinity. Women sobbed, but no tears could be seen. The unattended children went out on the streets and played all day, and yet the neighbourhood was quiet.
The chickens came home earlier, and the early morning crows of the cocks that served as a community alarm clock could not wake anyone up from sleep because no one slept.
The heavens and earth could no longer behold each other. Despite the splashing and roaring of our waters, the whistling of the birds, the constant bleating of goats and sheep, dead silence covered everywhere. Only the thunderous noise of h0rror could be heard.
I asked a man standing aimlessly what was going on because I was confused. He did not utter a word. He rather pointed to a w0man who was blìndfolded and set ablăze. She had a sharp sword and a balance scale in her hands. To prevent her from shouting, they taped her mōuth. To prevent her from fighting back, she was chăined in the hānds and legs. And to prevent anyone from saving her, they despached s0ldiers all over the city.
As she was giving up the ghost, I saw millions of worm-like creatures leaving her body. These were deadly creatures that she had prevented from invading the city up until she got captured.
I asked again: What is happening? The man told me: That was Mrs. Justice. She was můrdered in Abuja on 14.01.2020 by her own chief guards. Now that she is gone, the pøisonous worms have been let loose.
As I was about to cry for the horror the worms were about unleashing on the populace, he told me that we could still resuscitate Mrs. Justice if we could punish all those callous chief guards and everyone who had a hand in the atrocity and if we could perform a sacrifice of atonement and restitution to free us from the călamity that awaits us.