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The word “December” comes from the Latin word “decem,” meaning ten (just like September comes from “Septem,” meaning seven; October from “Octo,” meaning eight; and November from “Novem,” meaning nine). In the first known ancient Roman calendar (developed by Romulus around 750 BC), there were only ten months in the year. In that calendar, the year began in March.
The winter days following December, which fell between January and February, were not included because it was a cold period when the farmers could not do any work. Consequently, that period was seen as useless and was not captured in the calendar.
Later, the months of January and February were created out of the monthless period, making the number of months 12. Nonetheless, December continued to retain its name as the 10th month. The two new months were placed at the beginning of the calendar.
The calendar we are using today, January to December, was made by the European ancestors.
Seven out of the 12 months and the 7 days of the week were dedicated to their deities.
This calendar has lasted for almost 3 millennia!
Despite the European historical movement from the “pagan” era to the Christian era, they have retained the calendar.
However, they have since been improving on it from generation to generation.
Even when the calendar entered the hands of the church, it was preserved, including the names of their “pagan” deities.
Dear Africans, love your history and your culture.
Never joke with your heritage.
Improve on what was handed over to you.
Do not destroy.
Culture is not uprooted but pruned.
Culture contains more than eyes can see. It is your compass, your strength, your guard, your dignity, and your beauty.
If you cannot practice a new religion or ideology without retaining your cultural values and identity or what was handed over to you, you are simply not intelligent. And sooner or later, you will pay the price.
As we enter the last month of the year, may we also see the coming year in good health, peace, and joy. Happy new month!