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What problems are you facing now? Do you know that that problem has a material cause and needs a material solution?
No matter how overwhelming a problem appears, first of all, relax. Do not panic so that you can see the solutions lying before you.
If you cannot solve that problem alone, teamwork with others.
The idea of waiting for problems to disappear by themselves or expecting spirits to do what you should do should be discarded.
Do not hand over such a mentality to the next generation if you really love your society.
The first step towards the solutions of every problem is to find the root cause. And any solution that does not take cognisance of the root causes is a mere waste of time.
The root cause of many problems Africans go through today is the political structure that brought people with incompatible mentalities together as a country.
It is called the divide and rule or divide and conquer.
The goal of divide and rule, or divide and conquer, is to create suspicion, mistrust, tensions, disagreements, and wars among various people or groups so that they can be easily controlled and expl0ited.
Every division, whether knowingly or unknowingly introduced, including religious, achieves the same purpose.
The anărchy created by the divide and rule, or divide and c0nquer, is responsible for the poverty, insecurity, joblessness, and lack of progress found today in many African nations.
Some major consequences of all this are the increase in crime, the deăth of conscience, and the merchandization of religion and politics.
This is the reason why the more the hardship, the more religious and political businesses boom, and the more hopeless the society becomes.
The question now is: how do we resolve this problem without worsening the situation?