All the problems facing Afrīca, especially Nìgeria, today that we always talk about here originated from the Bèrlin conference of 1884-5.
It was at this conference that the pøisonous veñom that has led to p0litical c0rruption, insècurity, j0blessness, hünger, prosperity gospel, okeite, kidnāpping, etc. was injected.
One of the major ways this can be resolved is for every Afrìcan c0untry to restore power to every tribe or region. In Afrìca, we are not tribalistic; we are tribal.
This is the only way to return power to the people. This is the only way to have a government that can really be called demöcracy. This is the only way the people can decide their future.
Until that happens, let us be doing everything we can to promote unity and love among our various tribes and nations.
Let all hands be on deck in the restoration of our cultural values and identities.
Let all hands be on deck on the preservation and promotion of our language and protection of our villages against criminals and land grābbers.
If anyone asks you to cause insècurity in your area or to help him grab your ancestral land, use your brain because the same person wants peace in his or her own area.
In this time of insècurity, j0blessness, and hünger, try and help those you can. Many families can no longer feed.
If you are a p0litical leader, do not for any reason exchange the sècurity and peace of your area for p0litical office. No normal human being does that.
The bad economy has caused a lot of people to lose their minds. In the absence of psychiatrists and psychotherapists, many of them have ended up in one prayer ministry or shrine. If you are in charge of such a place, please show mercy to them. Remember, they are vulnerable. They do not know what they are doing.
I also request all those who are opening ministries and shrines with the hope of feeding from the feeble-minded to have a rethink.
Avoid anything that will cause more pain to your brother or sister. Let’s not add salt to the wounds created at the Berlin conference 139 years ago.
Angelo Chidi Unegbu
Angelo Chidi Unegbu
Articles: 160