If the Southerners did not learn anything from the recent food blockade initiated by the Northerners, they will never learn again. If the southerners did not understand the implications and monstrous nature of a One-Nigeria they will never understand it again.

If any Christian diocese, district, bishopric, See or jurisdiction fails to start a farming business with this rainy/farming season, then members should think twice about their membership in such a church.


Yes, the blockade has been suspended but has the hate and anger that triggered it been suspended? Let’s use our brains. Some have said that once they bless any food before eating it that nothing will happen to them even if the food was poisoned. I just de laugh.

Our problem as Africans is that we pay little attention to history. We have a magical and misguided understanding of religion and worship. Just two days ago, it was reported that two FUTO students went in and were found dead the next day. Last year in Ebonyi state tens of people died mysteriously in one village. In Aba a family last year too went in after dinner and were all found dead the following day.

A nurse working at FMC in Nigeria told me that the number of patients suffering from failure of vital organs have skyrocketed. The Social Media is littered today with obituaries of teenagers. Mysterious deaths and sicknesses have become daily occurrence. From time to time, we hear stories and see video clips of people poisoning what they sell to the public.


And how do we react to all these? We go to Church and give thanks to God for sparing our lives amidst the harvest of deaths as if the dead ones were hated by God. Within a short time, many of those who said the same prayer joined the litany of the mysterious deaths and those alive will be saying the same prayer as they stay on the queue. In all these no one hears of autopsy. No one talks about searching for the root causes. Some even say that it is against their religious beliefs to search for the causes of sickness and deaths and yet the same people go for medical tests when they are sick. What a demented folk!


In Europe despite the trust they have in their food producers and sellers, no food comes to the market unless it is properly ascertained to be consumable by the government. It will then be packaged with the name and place of the producer so that in the event of food poisoning it could be traced. Every content of the product must be written on the label. Besides, no one is allowed to sell anything to the public unless permitted by the government after having undergone the required training. The government from time to time comes for inspection and monitoring.

In Africa we leave everything in “the hands of God” – whatever we erroneously understand by that. I mean the same God we hardly keep any of his precepts. Every day we pray for our daily bread (The Lord’s Prayer) and yet we are utterly careless about food and meat production. Where will the bread come from? From those who don’t believe in our God? We are deceiving ourselves thinking that we are deceiving God.


We claim that we have no lands for farming and yet we want Fulani herdsmen to leave our bushes and forests. Which bush? Which forest? Is it the ones that we don’t have? Please my dear religious leaders let us come together to help our people because in the absence of good governance, the Church should become the mother, father, brother, sister and teacher. Acquire any of the forests or bushes (legally).

Hire or train agriculturists. Buy or hire tractors. Clear the bushes. Prepare the soil. Plant something. You are even on the way to making food cheaper and available, and invariably improving the nation’s economy. After the planting, begin to pray for prosperity and for your daily bread. It is only then that that prayer becomes meaningful. “Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them.” Psalm 126: 6.Happy Farming Season my people. We see again during the harvest period.

Angelo Chidi Unegbu
Angelo Chidi Unegbu
Articles: 184