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Out of the 600,000 students that graduated, you were among the 5,000 that got jobs. You shouted, “That can only be grace.” But in USA the over 2 million graduates that graduated with you are employed!
Among the 100 people that gave birth in the hospital, 20 women either lost their lives or that of their children or both. Being among those that came out safely, you exclaimed, “This is grace! Meanwhile, out of 200 people that gave birth in Germany within the same period, all survived.
You are among the few who have built a house among your age grade, but in Dubai, all your mates who wanted to build a house have their own houses. In your mind it can only be grace.
You were declared a winner of an election that no one voted for you. Whereas those who rig elections in China spend their entire lives in jail, you are thanking God for his grace.
Most things that Africans, especially, Nigerians celebrate as grace are things that should make them realise that they are living in a jůngle.