This picture says a lot. There is hardly anyone who cannot love this picture except an enemy of these children.
Never allow anything to divide you from your brother or sister. Never allow anything to separate you from your society.
Anyone who loves you would like to see you united, but the one who wants to destroy you is threatened and gets sleepless nights when you hold hands together.
During cől0nialism, the unity of Ndigbo helped Ndigbo resist cølōnialism. From that time on, the fìght to dèstroy Igbo unity began.
Before the Nìgerian-Bìafran war, this same unity was seen as a thréat. Consequently, everything possible was done to break the most powerful weăpon of the Ndigbo: their unity.
Sadly, those on a mission to destr0y Igbo unity made a success unknown in world history.
Today, someone who bears the Igbo name, history, and ancestry denies his identity with his brothers and sisters.
I am happy that so many of them are today realizing that the agenda was to weaken and destr0y them. I am happy that many voices are coming up.
Recently, I made a donation for the treatment of our brothers and sisters who cannot pay for their medical bills in Omenala Hospital.
Many have criticized me for doing so. They criticized me for holding hands with my brothers and sisters in need based on religious reasons.
I saw the comments and asked myself: Why is the enemy still succeeding so easily to dìvide us further in the 21st century? What has happened to the Igboman?
I will still donate more money to the treatment of more people in Omenala Hospital as soon as they have a management board that would ensure transparency.
Do not let religion, poliltcs, persecution, insults, or love for fame or money separate you from your brothers and sisters.
No matter what happens, do not stop holding hands. As an Igbo, that is your most important weapon against the enèmy.
This message is not only true of Ndigbo but all families, tribes, and nations, especially those going through persecution.
Never stop holding hands because the journey is far and the road is rough and dangerous.
Angelo Chidi Unegbu
Angelo Chidi Unegbu
Articles: 184