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On this day in 2001, September 11, almost 3000 people lost their lives at the terr0r attack in the USA. Many of the families are still møurning 23 years later. May they be consoled, and may the victìms rest in peace.
Interestingly, the whole world, including the Nigeriān gōvernment, joined hands in cøndemning that attăck.. We møurned with them, and we are still møurning with them today.
We do not set a day aside to mark the day of hōrror because it makes us happy but to empathize with the vìctims and their families and, more importantly, to send a strong signal to everyone: this is not the way to live. This is the psychology of such memorials.
Sadly, till date, the same Nīgerian gøvernment that has continued to commiserate with America every year has not shown remorse for the stărvation of over 2 million of its own children to dèath during the Nīgeria-Biăfran wăr.
Till date, no official burīal has been accorded to those kīds, not to mention of a memorial date. Funnily enough, this was a wăr that was said to have ended with the slogan “No Victor No vanguished” and with the 3 Rs, namely, Reconciliation, Reconstruction, and Rehabilitation.
Today, we jöin in the mourning of 3000 people that dīed in Amerīca, but we have no date set aside to møurn our over 2 million innocent children whose dęaths we caused.
Are you surprised that 54 years after the wār that the same hųnger and famine have enveloped the entire land?
Each time I remember the grusøme deāth of those innocent kīds, I hesr the voices of those kìds resounding in the words recorded in the book of Revelation 6:10:
“They shouted to the Lord and said, “O sovereign Lord, holy and true, how long before you judge the people who belong to this world and avenge our bloød for what they have done to us?”
It is no wonder that a country that has no feeling for or regard to children who dìed in such a grusome way will ever have empathy for the sűffering and hungry today.
It is also clear that such a country is on a path of self-destructiōn and will continue to destrøy itself until it makes a complete u-turn.
May the souls of all those who have dīed through terrørism, especially the stāte-sponsored ones, rest in peace.
If you really desire to see your country, nation or community flourish in peace, progress and justice, learn to say no to terrørism, whether individual or stăte-sponsored.