1) The poor Pilate had nothing to gain with the death of Jesus but he had everything to lose if he had decided otherwise in opposition to the will of the people. With one voice the people demanded the death of Jesus. In this scenario that played during the condemnation and death of Jesus, we saw how powerful the will of the people is; so powerful even to decide the fate of God.

2) It is this that makes democracy the most cherished system of government in the world today because it reposes power in the hands of the people. It is the only antidote to dictatorship, nepotism, corruption and ineptitude. There is no democracy, that merits its name, where leaders are not carefull with their dealings with the people. Many of them live in perpetual fear of the people.

3) In Nigeria, the case is different. In our own case it is the people who are afraid of their leaders. In order to impose their will on the people such leaders become ruthless and fierce. Such leaders succeed in Nigeria and will continue to succeed because Nigeria is not a nation. A nation is made of up people who speak one language, have the same worldview, values and interests.

4) But if due to one reason or the other, people of diverse cultures decide to be together as a nation, it must be a confederation (based on agreement) where each region or group would have the power to control their internal affairs. In a nation of multiple cultures or diverse people, a unitary government is nothing but a crude way of colonialism, slavery and savagery which can only lead to chaos, anarchy, mistrust, poverty and deaths.

5) Until Nigeria is restructured according to people or regions or peacefully divided in the same order, our society will never realize its full potential of providing abundant life for all. Don’t forget: Jesus died that we may have life to the full. As we meditate on the death of Jesus, let us also think about these things so that we may resurrect with him with the decision do to that which is salvific.

Happy Easter my dear Friends,
Rev. Fr. Angelo Chidi Unegbu

Angelo Chidi Unegbu
Angelo Chidi Unegbu
Articles: 184