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Someone wants to be rich and influential; rather, by improving on his skill and becoming industrious, he visits a godfather who tells him the political party to join and the position to contest for.
He agrees with him on what he will be paying him when he wins. They seal the deal with an oath.
He makes a poster with his picture where he is smiling, but the heart is full of iniquity and destruction.
He recruits a group of jobless boys who go after his critics and opponents. Critics and opponents will begin to disappear one after the other without traces.
Meanwhile, he moves from one religious house to another, where believers join him in prayers. Before he lives, he makes a monetary donation.
Before the election day, the crows of early morning cocks are replaced with gůn shorts. Despite the noise, it wakes no one up because no one will actually sleep.
On the day of the election, the mìlitary is everywhere. The more their numbers increase, the more insècure the environment becomes.
On that day, journalists will be bèaten and their cameras smashed. Some voters will go home with brůises. Some will disappear forever.
The man loses the election in all places but he is assured of being declared winner. And before evening, the man is announced winner.
He goes to his religious community and thanks God for choosing him and the believers for praying for him.
The opposition goes to court. The court trashes their petition as baseless. He is sworn in. He acquires a new name: His Excellency!
The same scenario is replicated across the entire 36 states at all levels. And they call it democracy. Craze in deed.
And this is the biggest Black nation and the second most prayerful country on earth where miracles no dey tire God.
Anyone who calls the country a zoo is insulting the animals in the zoo and those taking care of them. If such a life is dictected in a European zoo, that zoo will be closed down forever.