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Have you ever seen a couple fight dirty in court where each is after sending the other to jail or to be hănged?
If one is found guilty or loses at the end, do you think anything could be done to bring them under one roof as couples again?
It would be very difficult because trust has been broken completely. If per chance they come back together, they will leave in perpetual suspicion of one another. They will be living in hell on earth.
This picture will help you understand the relationship between Ndigbo and Nìgeria.
As the war broke out, the little trust that existed between the two, especially the “Northeners” and “Easterners,” was destroyed.
It is not strange that after such a brutal “wăr,” that the winner would never trust the loser and that the winner would use every power and opportunity to hold down the loser.
After that wăr, Ndigbo were only given 20 pounds, irrespective of what one had in his or her account. The rest was shared by the winner among themselves.
The aim was to weaken the loser economically in order to hold him down. This is normal after a brutal wăr.
If the African Union (former OAU) or Union Nations has a human face, the best thing to have been done after the wăr was to have called for a peaceful division or a regional government because every truthful person knew that the country would be turned into a hèll and that Ndigbo would be sent to the bottomest part of that héll.
Do you now understand why it became easy to “push” our brothers and sisters outside the southeast to deny their identity?
Yes, they did that with the hope of escaping the “meal” being prepared for Ndigbo, but they were deceived because the same person who “made” them deny their identity knows who they are.
The fact is that as long as you are Igbo living in Nìgeria, whether you deny it or accept it, the Nigerian system or spirit has no trust in you. And you know why.
Many European nations we know today were once one country, but after fìghting with each other, they went their separate ways peacefully. Everyone said it was the right thing to do since trust has been broken.
Today, the trust has been broken everywhere in the country that nothing can save Niģeria today apart from peaceful divisi0n or regi0nal g0vernment.