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As Ottoman decided to conquer Europe in the 16th century, on 7 October 1571, the Holy League, a coalition of southern European Catholics, waged a wăr against the powerful Ottoman ărmy in the Battle of Lepanto.
Knowing that the Ottoman forces were more militarily fortified, Pope Pius V called on all Catholics to pray the Rosary for victory. As the prayers were going on, men were in the battle field fighting. Surprisingly, they won!
About 25,000 Turks and 8,000 Christians l0st their lìves in that băttle that saved the islămisation of Europe.
Pius V attributed the victory of Lepanto to the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and thus instituted the feast of Our Lady of Victory in order to commemorate the victory.
In 1573, his successor pope Gregory XIII changed the feast to OUR LADY QUEEN OF THE HOLY ROSARY, which is celebrated on this day, October 7th, the exact victory date.
Furthermore, the entire month of October was dedicated to asking for the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary in all our various battles of life.
My fellow Catholics, as you ask the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary during this month of October in solving your different wahalas, remember to roll up your sleeves after prayers to do that which you have prayed for. That is where God is waiting for you. Battles are not won in bedrooms but at the battle field.
In that battle of Lepanto, as prayers were going on, men were in the battle field fighting physically.
Happy feast of the Holy Rosary to my fellow Catholics and all lovers of Mary.