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God does not need your money. When you pay tithe or give an offering, you are supporting the livelihood of the religious personnel, the maintenance of the church, and the church’s charity services, if any.
To do this as a church member is not bad. It is even a duty as long as you do it willingly without any psychological, moral, or physical threăts or manipulations.
However, you should not expect any material thing in return for doing so. You are simply deceiving yourself when you give in order to increase your wealth or receive any other material favour. There is nothing like that.
Donation or giving is a sacrifice, not a “lotto” or gambling. Something is a sacrifice when you do a favour without the hope of a pay-back.
I look forward to the day when religious personnel of all religions will stop depending on religious services for their livelihood. That is the only way to discourage religious merchants.
In precolonial Africa, especially in Igboland, traditional priests never depended on the proceeds of the shrine to survive. They had means of income.
The same was true about political leadership. No one received any dine for being a political leader, a judge, or a law enforcement agent.
Our ancestors knew that the commercialisation of such offices would definitely lead to c0rruption, manipulation, deceìt, and oppresşion.
Let us learn from our forefathers. Let us also teach the world because, as far as religion, politics, music, and agriculture etc are concerned, the African man should tutor the world.
This is because before any other continent began to exist, Africans practiced them at least for 10.000 years. This is a fact.
If you like, look for a way to twist this post to name me antì-Chrìst, atheìst or tribalìstic.
If you know me, you should know that such name-callings give me the strength to persevere in this mission of returning the brains to factory settings.